Kat Woodward Creative is now Serenate Studio! New website coming soon!
A Brief Look

Behind the Design

First, let me say that I am so glad you are here. My name is Kat and I work with passionate business owners like you, who are looking for a custom and collaborative experience crafting an honest and meaningful brand. I believe in getting down to the nitty gritty of your brand's essence, discovering what makes it truly spectacular, then crafting visuals that speak to you and your audience in a love language that's all your own.

What Matters Most


Open, honest, and respectful communication—always.


We're in this together if we're going to make some magic.


Showing up with intention, in and outside of work.


Promising quality design and a quality experience.


Believe that I'm all in for you and your brand.

When you choose to work with KWC, you can feel confident that we are in this together. It is my job to help you curate and maximize your brand—to take your ideas, your vision, your passion, and channel them into exquisite designs that work for you and your audience. I can't do all that without you, your engagement, or your trust. So let's get to work and have an inspired time doing it.

View SErvices

Kat Woodward Creative was born from the realization of one simple fact:

I love what I do

I talk a lot about creating a solid foundation for your brand before even putting pencil to paper. So let me say this; me loving what I do? That's my foundation. And it matters.

After graduating with a BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design, I went on to work for a small (but amazing) studio that set me on a path I don't know where I'd be without. I've been able to take so many lessons and experiences with me into my business, but none of that would matter if I didn't simply love it.

I aim to infuse that love of design into every step of the process.

This is your business. Your livelihood. Perhaps this has been a lifelong dream in the making. It deserves to be in the hands of someone who recognizes that and treats it with the care it deserves. I want you to not only love the final product, but to feel inspired and supported throughout the entire experience.

Are you ready to embrace all that for yourself and your brand?

Let's make it happen

Outside of design

I am wife to my incredible husband and mommy to our two spirited boys. I have recently found the confidence to start calling myself a writer and definitely feel it's safe to say I can usually be found with a book or my kindle nearby.

Honestly, I love getting to know one another, so here are a few other bits about me to hold you over until we're chatting over our virtual (or actual) cup of coffee!

Circular badge with the words Potentially Amusing Anecdote

I grew up in your quintessential one-stoplight town in PA, but moved to Philly for college, and somehow ended up in Dela(where?) with my husband, tiny humans, three cats (lovingly named after comic villains), and puppers, Banner (it was time for a "hero")...

which probably tells you a lot about us right off the bat.

To anyone who knows me personally, you’re probably going to roll your eyes; but to those who haven’t, I used to be a pretty serious dancer and had a dream of being on Broadway. Thanks a few factors, including my bum knee and  joints of an 80-year old, that didn’t quite pan out...

I'm only a little bitter about it

I am a very serious fan of Friends. I know, I know…everyone says that, but just take my word for it. Ask me a question and I’ll not only tell you the answer, I’ll include explicit details about what happened in the rest of the episode.

Yeah, it's that bad.

My favorite color used to be blue. I’ve said it my whole life and it’s unreasonably hard for me to admit that it’s shifted to green. I wear it, surround myself with it (you’ve seen the office by now), have branded myself with it, and my eyes even changed from blue to green when I was in my late teens.

(true story)

Speaking of green, for someone who loves earthy green tones and plants so much, I am lacking the color on both of my thumbs. I want so much to be a plant mom, but I kill (almost) every plant I touch. I’m doing better though and truly believe I’ll get there one day.

My husband disagrees.

I’m long-winded. Sorry in advance. Ironically, I don’t feel the need to add more here.

The abbreviated Prev for Previous, with the P and R stacked over the E and V
The word Next, with N and E stacked over X and T
client dreams
Coffee Shop
Bridal Boutique
Interior designer
Yoga Studio
hey, that's me!
Now for the big question

Why should you choose Kat Woodward Creative?

I'm going to say it. If you spend just ten more minutes scouring the internet or social media, you'll come across countless more talented, comparable designers. But just as I believe you are what separates your business from others in your market, I'll say the same for me.

One of the greatest compliments I ever received as a designer was that I clearly and genuinely give a you-know-what about what I do. Over the years, I’ve realized why that matters so much. Let me show you and from that, I know we'll make some magic.